lördag 12 november 2022

Enjoyable Live Night: Sundström & Grillijono

In the normally dull city of Vaasa in the dullest period of the year, yesterday evening was a musical blast. Two surprisingly great gigs from two bands in form, performing in two different inner-city venues. Stefan Sundström med band at Ritz and Grillijono K.O. at Leipätehdas.

Sundström, a Swedish veteran musician, mostly well-known as a gifted singer-songwriter and solo performer, but also a rocker with a strong punk DIY-attitude, perform on this short Finland tour with a great five-person-band, including bass legend Nicke Ström. Yesterday, Sundström and his solid tour band gave a fine, pulsating rock concert, ending, perhaps surprisingly, with a well-performed, driving cover-version of Fri Sprit och Taxi Hem (Free booze and taxi home). A rather short concert, around 1 h 20 mins, but with no fill-outs, just great fun. A warm and energetic performance. I would certainly enjoy  a live album with this band.

Sundström performed so early that there was also good time to catch Punk band Grillijono K.O. at another venue, doing a quite rare performance in home town Vaasa. 

Grillijono has only made one album thus far, but a very fine one, and yesterday they also performed a great sample from a coming album. I certainly await that album, it is on the shopping list when published. The new song also went down well with the audience. As did the older songs, a favorite being Fuck Me Up Before You Go-Go. Energetic, fun, tempo-driven music and a high-toned main vocalist brings Offspring to mind. Yesterday was the first gig I have seen with Grillijono K.O., that are known nationally, but less so in their own, conservative home town. They are the next generation Klamydia, for a long time and still the most famous band from Vaasa. Both are punk bands singing in Finnish. Watch Grillijono K.O.!

Great gig, yesterday, I can’t understand why they are not a festival band here. 

Vaasa Festival, take note!


A great night out enjoyning two bands in great form, in two different venues. I felt truly energized afterwards. About 5-10 people enjoyed both concerts, genre-hopping and proving that good music is good music irrespective of genre. Period.

Looking forward to see gigs by Stefan Sundström band and Grillijono K.O. again, soon. 

Yesterday You Both Rocked! 

I like.
