fredag 24 december 2021

Julkalendern (The Christmas Calendar) Dec 24

Slot 24: Önska dig en stilla natt/Bo Kaspers Orkester.

A favorite Christmas popsong. Simply beautiful and moving, but with a lyrical edge. Multidimensional and warm. A sweet and sour Christmas candy by a very fine Swedish jazz-pop band.

And this brings us to the very end of the Christmas RockCalendar 2021. 
Hope you have enjoyed it, and discovered new songs and/or versions in the process.
I leave you with a bonus song, not from Finland or Sweden, but from Edinburgh, Scotland, and with a global hope for the New Year:

From All of Me
- to All of You
Merry Christmas 2021 
& Happy New Year 2022!
God Jul och Gott Nytt År!
Hauskaa Joulua ja Onnellista Uutta Vuotta!
Frohe Weinachten und ein glückliches neues Jahr!

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