fredag 17 december 2021

Julkalendern Dec 17

 Slot 17: Stad i Ljus/Måns Zelmerlöv & Per Andersson

(City in Lights) 

The videoclip is called Vartannat ord-duett (The every second word duet).

It should have been just one more duet in a row of ex tempore duets that have been performed on tv music game shows. But then actor / comedian Andersson and singer Zelmerlöw decide to challenge themselves just for fun and take turn singing every second word of the lyric. A recipe for disaster, you may think. The studio staff is excited, and the (studio and tv) audience just can’t believe their ears as the song builds up. A one-off, but what a moment, when a prank turns into pure magic. 

Bonus Slot 17b: Stad i Ljus/Tommy Körberg

The original version. A Eurovision song contest contribution for Sweden in 1988, and a massive hit for good-voiced singer Körberg.

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