torsdag 13 januari 2022

Tandläkarväder (Dentist-weather)

This is not a new song or clip, let's face it.

But Söndermarken is a great song, in a great live version. 

And I have always loved the fact that Lars Winnerbäck presented a completely new and genius word-construction in this long lyric.

First and foremost, Lars Winnerbäck's Söndermarken is a great ode to his childhood and hometown, Linköping. And about the longing to leave your limited childhood hometown.

It also makes me think of Kent's great quote from 747: "Ni kan skratta om ni vill/Håna oss/Vi rör oss/Ni står still". (You can laugh if you want/Mock us/We are moving/You stand still).

Winnerbäck's fantastic word about nasty weather describes the kind of grey, dull and sad weather that we all detest. Unpleasant like the sound of drills at the dentist's.

Tandläkarväder (Dentist-weather).

Yes, that says it all, really. Brilliant word.

Söndermarken, here performed live with great energy by Lars Winnerbäck & Hovet in Linköping 2008.  Wonderful.

Find it here.

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